I confess that I've been rather anxious about how things have been going. Am I resting enough? Am I resting too much? Should I bounce on the rebounder or go for a walk? Are there any herbs I should be taking? Are there any I'm taking that I shouldn't be? Am I believing God the way I should be? Should I be praying about things more? If I squinted my right eye and hopped on my left foot while twiddling my thumbs would that make the baby come any sooner?
Sooooooo, here goes. Be anxious for nothing but in everything with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God, and the peace of God which passes all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Having prayed with thanksgiving, making my requests know to God I confess that the peace of God which passes all understanding does in fact guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Where this peace is there can be no anxiety. I furthermore confess that the love of God, being poured out on, in, and through me, does drive out all fear in my life. Because I am filled with God's love there is no room for fear within me no matter what I might otherwise be tempted to think. When I am tempted to fear I need to remember that God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and love and a sound mind. Any spirit of fear that tries to distract me does not come from God. Instead of fear I have power, love, and sound mind. Because of the Word of God in my life I am not now nor will become anxious about when labor will start or how it will go or anything else connected to giving birth. I will instead rest in God's peace and trust Him for the outcome.
This I declare and confess.
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