October 15, 2007

mixed emotions

I have a few friends at church who recently had their first babies. One family had a little girl and another a little boy. I found out that one of the women is planning on going back to work full time in a few months. I really hope I'm not looking down my nose at her, but I admit that I have a hard time hearing that. Somewhere between political theory and Romantic literature I decided that more than college or a career I wanted to be a stay at home mom. Then I thought that time had arrived, but it hadn't. Sometimes I wasn't sure if I was up for the task, but it's the direction I wanted to go. Now seeing other people seemingly ready to pass up the very experience that I desire...it's kind of tough. However, the woman who recently had the little girl told me that she was going to be working between 1-2 days a week (along with another woman who recently had a baby), and they were looking for someone to keep their babies. Given that I don't have a lot of recent experience with babies, I think it'd be wonderful if I could keep one or both babies at least sometimes. I really do have the time on my hands, and I would love to help. Even though it might hurt a bit I can't help thinking it would do me good to spend some time in this way. We'll see what the Lord has in store though.


Lauren Christine said...

I completely understand. I too find myself extremely saddened by other's choices... whether it may be to not breastfeed, or to turn their own dear children over to another. But then I remember, if not for the free gift of God's grace and mercy, who knows where I would be today.
Lauren Christine

Natalie said...

I agree completely with you. There are many things that make me sad to see, but most of them really aren't worth damaging a relationship over. Grace does cover all.

Anonymous said...

Grace is so important in these matters. I myself am working as a special ed teacher in this season as a new mom. This issue (along with so many others) often makes me think of the "plank in your own eye".

Bobbie-Jo said...

It is tough when we make an intentional decision - we make it because we thought about it and think it's right. But not everyone will come to the same conclusion, and some won't even think about it at all, just do what everyone else seems to be doing.
I hope you find a way to bless these moms and show them grace, too. I also hope that YOU are blessed in the giving.

Amanda said...

I agree, it is sad indeed when a mother leaves her young child in order to work. I dreamt of being a stay-at-home mom, but reality and our ideals are not the same always. My baby is almost three months old now, and the thought of going back to work tears at my heart. Until my husband finds a better paying job, however, we are facing the reality that I will need to provide a supplementary, part-time income in order for us to break even. I guess that what I am trying to say is that not everyone is able to live on one income at all times in their lives. Certainly providing our children with a secure life - by which I mean their basic needs are met, I think that it is more important that the mother be home than to have new clothes, fancy cars, and other frills - is more important than having their mother home. Only the parents themselves can determine what path their family must follow at any given time, however.

Natalie said...

Thanks for your comment, Amanda, and I hope that God will bless your family with a larger income. I understand that all circumstances are not the same.

Leigh said...

You aren't alone. I get sad about this type of things soon. I have to watch myself because I also get sad when people take their husbands for granted, as marriage and children is something I greatly desire.

What a nice blessing for those ladies, and good practice for you! :)

Take care,

Leigh said...

Opppps. I didn't read what I wrote before I pushed "send". I meant I get sad about it too, not soon! Can you tell it is Friday?
