December 28, 2007

Thoughts on blogging

It's rather funny really. I love visiting Trina and Anna's blogs and browsing through all the pictures, but when I come to my own blog I rarely think about pictures except in the halfway guilty "I bet someone would appreciate seeing some" way. Funny isn't it? The thing I like in other blogs in not the thing I most enjoy doing with my own. Instead, I babble about this and that as the steady stream of words flows from my finger tips. I alway intend to post pictures, but I rarely actually do it.All the upload and wait sort of detracts from my spontaneous joy of sitting down and musing aloud through my keyboard.


Trina said...

..and your musings are exactly why I enjoy your blog!
Nevertheless, I am a visually oriented person - that's why I go to the 'trouble' to post so many photos for my readers. Have you tried using Picassa? It organizes all the photos on your computer, and lets you blog straight from the program with just a few clicks!
I have always wanted to see more of your wedding photos - your profile picture is so intriguing with its vintage feel!

Jodes said...

I love to read your musings here! I love pictures on other blogs, but if it's not your style then that's ok too :)

(JodieR from Sense & Sensibility)