Well, I've finally gotten around to posting more pictures from vacation. There are from our first afternoon in Charleston area. We stayed at a very nice county park on James Island. If you ever want to camp and see Charleston I highly recommend it. You can set up your tent and listen to the bullfrogs and birds, when when you want to head out you're only 15 minutes from the Battery. I loved it. I only wish I'd taken more pictures.
This picture was taken off the fishing pier at the park. They rent bike pretty cheap at the campground, and most every night (and some mornings) Allen and I would ride our bikes around the various loops. One loop went along the salt marsh for a ways. At one place they have a lovely hanging bench swing just perfect for watching the sunset with your favorite hubby.
The reason why the previous picture was so dark and this picture is so wet is that only an hour or so after we'd set our tent up a great big storm blew through. We ended up racing it back to our tent thinking we'd hop in the car and head to town until the storm blew over. When we went to hop in the car, however, we discovered that while the car was unlocked we hadn't a clue where the car keys had gone. Allen went out in the pouring rain to hunt all over for them. It wasn't until he had come back and was leaning over the door talking to me that he looked up and found the keys on the roof of the car right where one of us had set them while pulling camping gear out of the car.
Here's a picture I took on the way out of the park after the storm. It's hard to catch the light just right after a storm when you still have dark clouds frowning on one half of the horizon and heavy golden sunlight pouring through on the other. We went kayaking on this little lake one morning for about an hour. They have some poky little creek areas around with lots of overhanging branches for hiding under. Allen and I raced. I won, but I thought my arms where about to fall off afterwards.
And here is our first taste of Charleston proper. This was taken from the walk along the Battery.
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