March 15, 2009

veni vici lindy

Allen and I just got back from Cumberland Shuffle in Nashville -tired, sore, and happy. I'm particularly glad we went because they put a lot of emphasis on solo Charleston/Jazz and creativity which is wonderful because I think all those moves (and their endless variations) are really going to broaden my range of possibilities both as a follow and a solo dancer. I also really appreciated how the teachers pushed the limits of how fast we could dance. I know that in general Allen and I have been pretty slow dancers as far as lindy goes, but I'd say we've up our range of danceable music pretty significantly. And we got to learn aerials! So much fun.

The weekend was good in other ways as well. A conversation I had this weekend sort of made me rethink my dedication to the general. I'm a dabbler. I know it well. I'm never going to be the finest knitter, seamstress, cook, or dancer. I'll never be the most well read or informed. My political involvement will likely be as sporadic as my principles are firm, and I really, really doubt I'll ever hike one of the seven peaks of complete a through hike, but I still expect to see some pretty neat things before I die. Coming out of a workshop like this one it's easy to want to throw my energies into dance....for the next month before I decide that I really want to go sea kayaking or whatever it is. With that in mind I've sort of realized two things: 1. that Allen isn't as into lindy (and dance in general) as I am and 2. that it's ok for me to go places and dance while Allen is reading his book or working on his laptop. With that in mind I think I'm going to try and work on my dance some more these next few months just using what we have available around town. I'm still firmly committed to being a dilettante, but it would be nice if I could attain a higher level of dancing. We'll see what happens.

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