Throughout this pregnancy I've lived with the roar of the one who roams the earth seeking those he might devour echoing in my ears. It's taken me a while to learn how to respond to that sound, but with God's grace I'm getting better. Hear now the Word of the Lord!
For God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind.
I do not have a spirit of fear. The roars of the enemy are calls to battle and not to fear. Instead of fear I have a spirit of power -power over the lies of Satan and the snares of the enemy, power to reject fear and stand on Christ's victory, power to take my thoughts captive and not be led astray. I have a spirit of love which leaves no room for fear in my life. The love of God is my life's breath and because of it I can love all around me. Love frees me from the paralysis of fear and gives me the strength and joy to endure until tomorrow. I have a sound mind that I can stand firm on the promises of God and not fear that they are too grand or good for me. I do not fear what other people may say about me because I trust in the promise that God is present in my thoughts and decisions and leads me in wisdom and righteousness. Because I have a sound mind I do not have to second guess my motivations and actions. Instead I trust in the power of God to call me to repentance. I repent as God leads me, and I refuse to worry about the rest.
There is therefore now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.
Because Christ's blood covers me and His righteousness has been imputed to me by grace I cannot be condemned. Though I may struggle and sin I stand justified before my most holy God because of the redeeming sacrifice of Christ on my behalf. As a member of Christ's glorious bride the Church I have been set apart for Him, and nothing will separate me from the love of God. There is no charge that can be brought against me that would make me stand condemned before the God of the universe. Let men call me a drunkard, a glutton, a liar, a fool, a blasphemer or any number of things. Let men cast all kinds of aspersions on my name and speak all manner of things against me. I am innocent before God.
For Christ is faithful and just to purify us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
My sinfulness does not stand between me and God because He is faithful in drawing me to Himself. Because Christ is faithful I do not have to worry about my own sins. In His own time and by His own means He is leading me to righteousness. Likewise, since the cleansing is of Christ and not my own effort I do not have to obsess over my own faults.
This I confess.
I don't really have a comment about this post... but Mum likes to say with a chuckle "casting nasturtiums", hehehe. ;)
lol I've said that myself many a time.
To be quite honest I've needed the laugh. Things have gotten rather intense here in the past 24 hours. I would appreciate your prayers.
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