July 10, 2008

Great Big Sea

They are coming to Atlanta. Allen and I will be there. I am excited. If you want to be excited too you should get tickets and meet us there. In the interest of convincing others how awesome these guys really are I'm including some videos. They don't have good videos of some of my favorites, but these will give you a pretty good taste of their foot-stomping Newfie style.

Donkey Riding

The Old Black Rum

A Boat Like Gideon Brown (on Puzzle Pirates I have a sloop named Gideon Brown)

And a music video of them joined by the Cheiftans on Lukey's Boat.

I wish I could share some of their ballads with you, but they aren't up on youtube that I can find. You'll just have to take my word for it that they can be balladeers as well.

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