May 29, 2008

Hilton Head- sea and sand

Here are more of the promised pictures. It's taking me longer than I thought to post them. For one I'm having to choose from so many. For another thing I'm trying to clean them up as I go along.

Aaron demonstrating his deep appreciation for seafood. Incidentally those guys were all over the place. Aaron and Andrew found this one down the beach and brought him back in a bucket for photo ops.

Having rescued poor Mr Crab from Aaron's appetite for seafood al fresco, Andrew bids Mr Crab farewell.

Oh, this little light of mine. I'm going to let it shine. This was my sandcastle. For some reason I keep building lighthouses.

Aaron catching a wave. They were all out there at one point, but by the time I got my camera pointed in that direction this was the only decent shot I got. There really wasn't that much wave to catch anyway. The sea was pretty calm the whole time we were on the coast.

The guys trying to build a larger model of their successful prototype arch. Unfortunately our engineers hadn't made the proper stress and strength calculations, and the whole thing collapsed.

So they decided to bury Aaron. Actually Aaron gets buried on every beach trip. It's something of a tradition. Last time I built a little mountain village complete with volcano on top of him. Oh irony of ironies. It was an earthquake that destroyed my poor rustics and not the volcano they feared.

And one final picture of the beach that day.

Tomorrow - images of coastal life.

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